Аукцион 7 Session 2 - Ancient Advertisement - Special Auction Collection M. Koerber

от Wormser Reklame Auktion

Eulenburgstr. 13 – D-67547 Worms, Германия

Old toys meet old advertising

(Life)long hunting and gathering deserves special attention. We organize special auctions with great dedication in order to pave the way for outstanding collections to return to the scene. In this way, the passionate collection of Michael Körber, which has been assembled over the past four decades, is also appropriately honored with this auction.

Such a dissolution often serves as a reorientation without having to give up the collector's heart. then every end brings a new beginning.

One thing is for sure - with around 650 valuable exhibits of old toys and a collection of over 200 enamel signs, two eventful auction days await you.

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