Subasta 2
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LOTE 303:

[Russian] Postcard "St. Petersburg. Synagogue." - Spb.: V. Pfister, [early XX century].

Vendido por: €65
Precio inicial:
Precio estimado :
€60 - €120
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 19% IVA sólo en comisión
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16.5.18 en Artmaximum
etiquetas: Postales

[Russian] Postcard "St. Petersburg. Synagogue." - Spb.: V. Pfister, [early XX century].
At the late XIX - early XX century Bobruisk became the center of social life of the Belarusian Jewry: printing houses, Zionist organizations, a set of Jews were engaged in clothes and agricultural products production. Bobruisk rabbis were widely known outside the city. Few Jewish educational institutions were working: several with general education and vocational schools for men and women.
Большая хоральная синагога — синагога на Лермонтовском проспекте в Санкт-Петербурге, была построена в 1883-1893 годах по проекту Л.И. Бахмана и И.И. Шапошникова. Является центром духовной жизни евреев Санкт-Петербурга.
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