Militärische Antiquitäten aus der Kaiserzeit,
dem I. & II. Weltkrieg bis zur DDR
LOT 1204:
Grouping of award certificates/documents Bavarian doctor 1903-1920
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Comision casă de licitații: 20%
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Grouping of award certificates/documents Bavarian doctor 1903-1920
Foto- und Urkundennachlass Königlich Bayerischer Arzt#, 13 Teile, 1903-1920: Immatrikulations-Urkunde der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, 15.10.1904, 55x37, mehrfach gefaltet, Randmängel; Zeugnis mit Unabkömmlichkeits-Stempel als Assistenzarzt Städt. Krankenhaus/Lazarett München-Schwabing, 7.9.1914; 2 Zeugnisse für praktisches Jahr als Kandidat der Medizin 1911/1912; Familienfoto in Uniform m. Bayerischer Rettungsmedaille 1889 an Einzeltragespange, 20x15cm; Arbeitszeugnis als approbierter Arzt im Krankenhaus Schwabing, 1920; 3 Klassenfotos um 1894-1899 etc., Typoskript u. handschriftlich, teils m. entspr. Institutions-Stempeln, größer A4, gefaltet, Randmängel
All items put up for auction are used. They are auctioned in the condition they are in at the time of the knockdown, with no guarantee for obvious or hidden defects or the presence of the properties described in the catalogue. Books and albums, for example, are not checked for completeness; normal signs of wear, notes or deletions are not mentioned in the catalogue or when the item is called up. Material properties are described based on visual inspection and experience. Only non-destructive testing methods are used (e.g. optical/UV/magnetic). Objects are generally not dismantled. Each bidder is free to have objects tested non-destructively (e.g. x-ray/microscope) before the auction at their own expense and after consultation with the "Berlin Auction House" and the respective consignor.
All items put up for auction are used. They are auctioned in the condition they are in at the time of the knockdown, with no guarantee for obvious or hidden defects or the presence of the properties described in the catalogue. Books and albums, for example, are not checked for completeness; normal signs of wear, notes or deletions are not mentioned in the catalogue or when the item is called up. Material properties are described based on visual inspection and experience. Only non-destructive testing methods are used (e.g. optical/UV/magnetic). Objects are generally not dismantled. Each bidder is free to have objects tested non-destructively (e.g. x-ray/microscope) before the auction at their own expense and after consultation with the "Berlin Auction House" and the respective consignor.