Auction 257
By Bertolami Fine Art
May 8, 2023
Bertolami Fine Arts srl Piazza Lovatelli, 1 00186 Roma Italia, Italy

ASTA 257

Fashion, Memorabilia e Militaria

Inizio Asta

8 Maggio 2023 ore 14:00 CEST

The auction has ended

LOT 302:

Savoia Marchetti

SM55X model aircraft

Nice official model of the Savoia Marchetti ...

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Start price:
Estimated price :
€600 - €800
Buyer's Premium: 27% More details
Auction took place on May 8, 2023 at Bertolami Fine Art

Savoia Marchetti

SM55X model aircraft

Nice official model of the Savoia Marchetti SM-55X protagonist of the first Atlantic flight better known as the Decennial Air Cruise of the Regia Aeronautica. Die-cast metal model, with double three-blade rotating propeller mounted on the Isotta Fraschini ASSO-750 castle / motor. Original, made in 1933, it was sold as a gadget to advertise the event that brought prestige to the Italian Regia Aeronautica during the fascist regime. The cruise was organized and commanded by Italo Balbo in the first ten-year anniversary of the Regia Aeronautica and as an opportunity for propaganda for the Century of Progress, the universal exhibition that was held in Chicago for the centenary of the founding of the city. 25 SIAI-Marchetti S.55X seaplanes took part in the Orbetello-Chicago-New York-Rome route, organized in 8 squadrons. On board 52 pilot officers, 1 engineer officer and 62 specialist non-commissioned officers. They returned to Italy in 24 aircraft, one having been lost in a tragic accident in the Azores
Measures cm, 24 wingspan, cm.16 length .. Restoration / retouching of the color, and of the signs on the cabins and on the I-BALB wings. Good conditions

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