Auction 270
By Bertolami Fine Art
Sep 13, 2023
Bertolami Fine Arts srl Piazza Lovatelli, 1 00186 Roma Italia, Italy
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LOT 321:

Lot of two coins: 10 Pounds - Elizabeth II Silver Valiant; 10 oz Fine Silver. 2020 - 2021

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Sold for: €340
Start price:
Estimated price :
€300 - €400
Buyer's Premium: 28.5% More details
Auction took place on Sep 13, 2023 at Bertolami Fine Art

Lot of two coins: 10 Pounds - Elizabeth II Silver Valiant; 10 oz Fine Silver. 2020 - 2021

Fifth crowned portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II right, wearing the George IV State Diadem, legend around.
Script: Latin
Lettering: ELIZABETH II·D·G·REG·F·D& middot;10 POUNDS·J.C
Unabridged legend: Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensatrix
Translation: Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God Queen Defender of the Faith
Engraver: Jody Clark  
St. George on horseback wielding a spear and riding into battle, he faces off with a dragon, legend around.
Script: Latin
Lettering: 10 oz FINE SILVER 999.9 2019
Engraver: Etienne Millne

Fifth crowned portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II right, wearing the George IV State Diadem, legend around.
Script: Latin
Lettering: ELIZABETH II·D·G·REG·F·D& middot;10 POUNDS·J.C
Unabridged legend: Elizabeth II Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensatrix
Translation: Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God Queen Defender of the Faith
Engraver: Jody Clark  
The Yale (a mythical beast often depicted either as an antelope or goat) atop a shield bearing the image of a crowned portcullis with chains, legend and date around.
Script: Latin
Lettering: YALE OF BEAUFORT·10oz FINE SILVER·999.9·2020 JC
Engraver: Jody Clark  

Total weight: circa 567 g.

Item condition grading: Individually packaged in a single coin capsule.

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