Auction 226 Antiques and Works of Art
By Cabral Moncada Leilões
Jun 3, 2024
Rua Miguel Lupi, 12 A/D . 1200-725 Lisboa Portugal


27 de Maio (2ª feira) a 2 de Junho (Domingo) - 14h às 19h

The auction has ended

LOT 52:

A plate

Sold for: €750
Start price:
Estimated price :
€500 - €750
Buyer's Premium: 24.6%
Auction took place on Jun 3, 2024 at Cabral Moncada Leilões

A plate
blue and vinous decoration with coat of arms traditionally attributed to D. Manrique da Silva (c. 1595-1648), 6th Count of Portalegre and 1st Marquis of Gouveia
17th C. (2nd half)
hairlines, faults on the edge, chips
Dimensões (altura x comprimento x largura) - 34 cm
Notes: vd. CASTRO E SOLLA, Conde de - "Ceramica Brazonada" - reedição fac-similada. Lisboa: J. A. Telles da Sylva, 1992, 1º volume, Estampa XLIV, pp. 74 a 77; and “Exposição de Cerâmica Ulissiponense dos fins do século XVI aos princípios do século XIX, realizada no Museu Municipal de Lisboa”. Lisbon: Lisbon City Council, 1936, nº 85, p. 23. In our opinion, the attribution of the order to D. Manrique da Silva is unfounded due to the fact that he was awarded the title of Marquis of Gouveia in 1625, and the present dish, produced in the 2nd half of the 17th centujry, features a count coronet and was produced after the death of that personality.