LOS 8:
Missale Completissimum [...], 1515
Verkauft für: €700
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Missale Completissimum [...], 1515
MISSALE co[m]pletissimu[m], ad usum Cistercieñ ordinis. Per solitu[m] eiusdem ordinis monachum studiosissime correctu[m]: emendatum scrupulosissimeq[ue] punctuatum; [et] ad veram ipsius ordinis forma[m] redactum. Pro honesso [et] provido Parisienci Librario iurato Thielmanno Kerver alemano. Paris: Thielmannoo Kerver, 1515.
[cruz cristo]8, a-r8, s-t6, A-N8, O6; [8], cxlviii ff., ccxxx pp.: il.; 305 mm.
Beautiful 16th century missal, printed in Gothic characters and illustrated with 12 vignettes representing the life of Christ in the text. The missal contains the rites for use by the Cistercian Order. Rare.
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