Subasta 161_2 IColour - A Painter Says I. // No extra charge: Charity Auction Peter Robert Keil
Por Historia Auctionata
Ottheinrichsbau Schlosshof 1 DE - 69117 Heidelberg, Alemania

IColour - a painter says I.

No buyer's premium: Charity auction and for the 80th birthday of Peter Robert Keil: oil paintings, prints, majolica ceramics.

This charity auction takes place in cooperation with the Keil Collection Heidelberg and offers selected oil paintings, prints and majolica ceramics by Peter Robert Keil. Born in 1942, the artist belongs to the neo-expressionist school of the "Junge Wilden". His extensive oeuvre is characterised by spontaneous lines and a colour intensity of high expressivity. It is all about emotion and liveliness, which the artist impressively unfolds in his paintings and ceramics as well as, more recently, in his prints.

The auction will take place on the occasion of the large anniversary exhibition "IchFarbe" in Heidelberg Castle. Before the auction, the renowned Heidelberg art historian and gallery owner Dr. Kristina Hoge will introduce the artist and guide the participants live (online) through the exhibition in the castle. In this way, you can all immerse yourself in the world of Peter Robert Keil before you then have the unique opportunity to purchase a work by the artist at auction for a good cause.

One half of the proceeds from this auction will go to the Xylon Museum in Schwetzingen, where the work of the painter and graphic artist Otto Mindhoff, who died in 2019, is being preserved and a printing workshop gives young artists the opportunity to print their own graphics. The other half of the proceeds will be used to finance the exhibition.

The auction will take place on Saturday, 1 October 2022 from 19:00. To participate in the auction, please use, as usual, the possibilities of written pre-bidding, live bidding via our homepage, as well as telephone bidding by appointment. Alternatively, you can participate in person in the extensive programme of the vernissage at Heidelberg Castle from 16:00. Here you can get a personal impression of the paintings, graphics & majolica ceramics in the run-up to the auction. From 19:00 you can then bid live on site. Please have a look at the extensive vernissage programme and register before your visit at the following link: erger-schloss/

We are especially proud to announce that the legendary auctioneer Michael Lehrberger has agreed to moderate the auction on site in Heidelberg. 

The Keil Collection Heidelberg is an initiative of GIM. Its aim is to make the artist's work known and to support the artist in his creative work. On the occasion of the anniversary, the anniversary book "Keil Achtzig" will be published with selected works by Peter Robert Keil and a chronology of the activities of the Keil Collection Heidelberg. Further information at 

We hope you enjoy reading and bidding

the team of the

Historia Auction House and the Keil Collection Heidelberg 

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Peter Robert Keil
Peter Robert Keil - Series red/ black - 3 drawings

Vendido por: €750
Precio inicial:
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 0% Más detalles
IVA: 19% IVA sólo en comisión
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1.10.22 en Historia Auctionata

Peter Robert Keil - Series red/ black - 3 drawings
For the series red / black, P.R.K. created variations in the colours black and red in 2011 on high-quality watercolour paper with ink, watercolour, felt-tip marker and charcoal, which always refer back to the theme of man/woman. These works show very clearly what a confident, loose 'stroke' P.R.K. has and how fluidly, dynamically, spontaneously and playfully he is able to explore the most diverse variations of a theme.

Ink, felt marker on watercolour paper, 40 x 30 cm, 2011. Shown in the catalogue raisonné under the numbers WVZ 7055, WVZ 7054 & WVZ 7053. Prior to the auction, the works were freshly framed at the specialist dealer Boesner by one of the few expert and fully trained picture-framers. In the course of this process, special attention was paid to the coherence between the work and the frame. The works are framed dustproof behind glass.

As a special highlight, we offer Peter Robert Keil to write a personal dedication on the back of the work to the new owner. In this regard, please send us an e-mail to Keil Collection Heidelberg with your dedication wishes by 2 October 2022.