拍卖品 884:
BLERIOT LOUIS: (1872-1936) French pioneer aviator, the first man to fly across the English ...
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€600 - €800
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BLERIOT LOUIS: (1872-1936) French pioneer aviator, the first man to fly across the English Channel, 1909. D.S., L Bleriot, two pages, small 4to, Paris, 27th April 1931, in French. The typed document, completed in Bleriot´s hand, is issued by the Comptoir des Approvisionnements de l'Aviation et de l'Aerostation and is a subscription form incorporating a power of attorney in which Bleriot provides details of his profession (´Aviateur - Constructeur´) as well as his address in Paris, further stating that it has been decided by the Board of Directors ´d´augmenter de 200,000 francs le capital social, pour le porter de 800,000 frs. a 1,000,000 de francs, par la creation de 200 actions de mille francs chacune´ (Translation: ´increase the share capital by 200,000 francs, bringing it from 800,000 francs to 1,000,000 francs, by the creation of 200 shares of one thousand francs each´) and continuing ´Je verse a l´appui de ma souscription, la somme de quinze cents francs representant, a raison de 250 frs, par action, le quart du montant nominal de chacune des actions par moi souscrites, et m´engage a les liberer du surplus au fur et a mesure des appels de fonds qui seront faits ulterieurement par le Conseil d´Administration´ (Translation: ´In support of my subscription, I hereby pay the sum of fifteen hundred francs, representing one quarter of the nominal value of each of the shares I have subscribed, at the rate of 250 francs per share, and I undertake to release the remainder as and when the Board of Directors subsequently calls for funds´) and further adding ´En outre, en ma qualite de proprietaire de cinq actions anciennes de mille francs, et de souscripteur de cinq et une soit: six actions nouvelles de mille francs du Comptoir des Approvisionnements de l´Aviation et de l´Aerostation, Je donne, par les presentes, pouvoir Monsieur Fernand Liore a l´effet de me representer dans toutes les Assemblees Generales Extraordinaires des actionnaires de la dite Societe.....En consequence, assister aux Assemblees, prendre part a toutes deliberations, emettre tous votes sur les questions a l´Ordre du Jour, adopter toutes resolutions, signer toutes feuilles de presence, registres et proces-verbaux, accepter en mon nom toutes fonctions, remplir toutes formalites, substituer tout ou partie des presents pouvoirs, et generalement faire le necessaire´ (Translation: ´In addition, in my capacity as the owner of five existing shares of one thousand francs, and as a subscriber to five and one, i.e. six new shares of one thousand francs in Comptoir des Approvisionnements de l'Aviation et de l'Aerostation, I hereby give Mr Fernand Liore authority to represent me at all Extraordinary General Meetings of the shareholders of the said Company......In consequence, to attend the Meetings, to take part in all deliberations, to cast all votes on the matters on the Agenda, to adopt all resolutions, to sign all attendance sheets, registers and minutes, to accept on my behalf all functions, to fulfil all formalities, to substitute all or part of the present powers, and generally to do all that is necessary´). Signed by Bleriot at the conclusion and also signed by Fernand Liore with his name alone in the margin of the first page. With two official circular French revenue stamps. Some very light, extremely minor age wear, VG
Fernand Liore (1874-1966) French pioneer aviator and aeronautical engineer. Liore´s aeronautical vocation was inspired on the day he witnessed a failed takeoff by Louis Blériot at the Issy-les-Moulineaux aerodrome, two years later unveiling the first biplane of his design.