Art and antiques
By Antikauktion Krefeld
Dec 8, 2023
Kleinewefersstraße 130, 47803 Krefeld, Germany
The auction has ended

LOT 22:

China Familie Rose 3 Teller Qing Dynastie um 1830,
Porzellan, China Qing Dynastie, Daoguang Zeit ...

Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 24.8%
VAT: 19% On commission only
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Auction took place on Dec 8, 2023 at Antikauktion Krefeld

China Familie Rose 3 Teller Qing Dynastie um 1830,
Porzellan, China Qing Dynastie, Daoguang Zeit 1820-1850, Dekor Familie Rose, verziert mit bunten Blumen, Schmetterlingen und Vogel auf Ast, blaue Bodenmarken, 2 x D 18,5 cm und 19,5 cm, min. Chip am Stand eines Tellers

Porcelain, China Qing Dynasty, Daoguang period 1820-1850, decor family rose, decorated with colorful flowers, butterflies and bird on branch, blue floor marks, 2 x D 18.5 cm and 19.5 cm, min. chip on the base of a plate