Leilão 27 Parte 2 Porcelain, Bronzes, Paintings and Antiques
Por Antikauktion Krefeld
sábado, 15.3.25, 10:00
Kleinewefersstraße 130, 47803 Krefeld, Alemanha
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LOTE 556:

Meissen Der Liebesbrief 1.Wahl - Knaufmarke, J.J. KAENDLER, Porzellan, blaue Schwertermarke 1.Wahl, Entwurf ...

Preço inclui comissão: 270,60
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Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 19% Sobre a comissão apenas
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Meissen Der Liebesbrief 1.Wahl - Knaufmarke, J.J. KAENDLER, Porzellan, blaue Schwertermarke 1.Wahl, Entwurf von Johann Joachim KAENDLER (1706-1775), verliebtes Schäferpaar, Modell-Nr. A29, H 22 cm x B 17 cm x T 12,5 cm, Chips und Abbrüche an Ästen und Blattwerk, beide Schafe mit je einem Chip am Ohr, Chip am Hundeohr
porcelain, blue sword mark 1st choice, design by Johann Joachim KAENDLER (1706-1775), shepherd couple in love, model no. A29, H 22 cm x W 17 cm x D 12.5 cm, chips and breaks on branches and foliage, both sheep with one chip each on one ear, chip on the dog's ear