拍卖会 113 第 3 阶段 Day 3 - Fine Art, Ceramics, Metalware & Sculptures
Hammerstraße 30, 8523 Plauen, 德国

拍卖品 3043:

Kopenhagen große Unikatvase Schlossansicht

拍卖行佣金: 27%
增值税: 19% 仅对佣金收取
Users from foreign countries may be exempted from tax payments, according to the relevant tax regulations
24.2.24于 Auktionshaus Mehlis

Kopenhagen große Unikatvase Schlossansicht
Kopenhagen große Unikatvase Schlossansicht
Dekorentwurf und Ausführung Theodor Kjølner 1941 für Royal Copenhagen, signiert und datiert 5-3-1941, unterglasurblaue Juliane-Marie-Marke, Ritznummer 2860, SK8 und Wellenstrich, ovoide Urnenform, beidseitig Landschaftsdarstellung mit Schlossansicht bzw. Pfeilermonument in polychromer Unterglasurbemalung, minimalst brandfleckig und innen reinigungsbedürftig, H 33 cm.
Copenhagen Large Unique Vase Castle View
Designed and executed by Theodor Kjølner in 1941 for Royal Copenhagen, signed and dated 5-3-1941, underglaze blue Juliane Marie mark, incised number 2860, SK8 and wavy line, ovoid urn shape, both sides depicting landscape with castle view and pillar monument in polychrome underglaze painting. polychrome underglaze painting, minimally fire-stained and in need of cleaning inside, h 33 cm.