Auktion 116 часть 2
Von The Arc
Moscow, Russland
Китай, Индия, Ближний Восток  и Средняя Азия. Книги, открытки, документы, автографы.
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LOS 508:

Traynin I. p. Art in the cultural campaign in the East of the USSR.

2 000 р
Auktionshaus-Provision: 15% Nähere Details
7.10.22 bei The Arc
Kennzeichen: Bücher Fotos

Traynin I. p. Art in the cultural campaign in the East of the USSR.
M. Teakinopechat, 1930. - 76 p. Circulation of 5000 copies. Softcover, reduced format (12.5 x 17.5 cm). The cover is worn, has tears, losses, including on the spine; yellowed paper; diagonal bend on the block.

[Cultural revolution — a set of measures implemented in Soviet Russia and the USSR aimed at a radical restructuring of the cultural and ideological life of society. The goal was to create a new type of culture as part of the construction of a socialist society, including increasing the share of people from the proletarian classes in the social composition of the intelligentsia.

The cultural revolution in the USSR as a purposeful program for the transformation of national culture in practice often stalled and was massively implemented only during the first five-year plans. As a result, in modern historiography there is a traditional, but, according to some historians, not quite correct, and therefore often disputed correlation of the cultural revolution in the USSR only with the period 1928-1931.. The cultural revolution in the 1930s was understood as part of a major transformation of society and the national economy, along with industrialization and collectivization.

The success of the cultural revolution can be attributed to the increase in the literacy rate to 87.4 % of the population (according to the census of 1939), the creation of an extensive system of secondary schools, and the significant development of science and art. At the same time, an official culture was formed based on Marxist-class ideology, "Communist upbringing", mass culture and education, which was necessary for the formation of a large number of production personnel and the formation of a new "Soviet intelligentsia" from the workers 'and peasants' environment.

According to one point of view, during this period, by means of Bolshevik ideologization, a break was made with the traditions of the centuries-old historical cultural heritage.

On the other hand, a number of authors dispute this position and come to the conclusion that the traditional values and worldviews of the Russian intelligentsia, Philistines and peasantry were only slightly transformed during the cultural revolution, and the Bolshevik project of creating a more perfect, harmonious, collectivist man of a new type, that is, a "new man", should be considered a significant failure.]